As the new year approaches, many of us are analyzing what we've done with the time we have been given and what we'll do with the continuous time allotted. In Letting Go, ParKer Bryant provides and tries to explain the steps she used to let go of past situations that no longer served purpose in her life. One of the most important things a lesbian woman must learn how to do is Let Go!
The steps in this book are not based on scientific studies, but real life experiences that can find truth with everyone who reads it.
Are you ready to let go?
Step 1: Make A Concrete Decision
Step 2: Get To The Root Of Your Issues
Step 3: Get In A Place Of Honesty
Step 4: Remove The Blame From Her
Step 5: Forgiveness
Step 6: Detox: The Final Goodbye
Step 7: Acceptance
Step 8: Alone, But Not Lonely
Step 9: Gratitude
Step 10: The New You