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Queen & Slim - Response to Movie [REVIEW]

I appreciate the moments the creators allowed us to breathe. For me, it painted the story that family and close friends know of when we lose a Black human to police murders. It allowed life to soak in, although the desperation to be free continuously paced the narrative. It allowed for differences to align. It allowed walls to come down and connection to evolve. A friendship birthed and a commitment fulfilled.

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What Happened to My Voice? Communication: Part #1

Many have asked for me to address communication in relationships. Where do I begin? When I think of communication I envision it as a pillar of life that ties into all aspects of living. Communication is big and its importance continues to be the focal point of universal discussions. Communication is one of those skills that has an ongoing development structure. The more you're exposed to environments that require your clear explanation of thoughts and feelings in an effort to respond adequately to your presence is conducive to positive communicative growth. In these settings, your voice becomes validated through respect, even in the face of disagreement. You find value in the ability to convey your truest intentions without feelings of...

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Love & Relationship

The compatibility of the two go without saying; however, often times we enter romantic involvements deficient of the knowledge that love and relationship are not synonymous or automatically contingent of one another.   

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Unapologetically Off the Grid- Access Denied

I thought about it a few times. Hell, maybe more than a few. I had to deliberate over the decisions I was about to make in my life. I knew what I wanted to do, and I knew how each vibration of every decision would change the course of my life. Shit, before that moment, I'd been avoiding and processing the rejection of love on what seemed like a daily basis. However, I was getting better with it, and I was able to recognize what I needed versus what I wanted. Many things came in shiny cases with beautiful words and garbage bags full of soiled expensive cloth, but none of that shit mattered anymore when I decided to learn...

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We have to be careful not to operate from an ego-based love. Ego-based love is all about self, yet disguised as a sincere desire to love others. Ego-based love is strengthened through validation and having others meet the expectations we've set for them even when we verbally say we have no expectations. The fact I wanted to give her my love regardless of her apprehensions and personal dealings was a clear indication I had not truly understood how to operate in love. It was my ego that needed to win her over, prove myself worthy to be her lover. My "love" was pushing her away more than drawing her nigh. Although my intentions were meant to be pure, loving someone from the ego is a form...

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